Spinal Decompression San Jose

When we experience back pain or neck pain, we don’t automatically think our spine is out of alignment. And even when we think it is out of alignment, we usually envision a disc popping out of place. Most people suffering from back or neck pain don’t think about the complicated nervous system running through the spinal column and how one out-of-place disc can cause excruciating nerve pain.

We believe nerve pain relief is possible with natural treatments, including spinal decompression. The non-surgical spinal decompression technique we offer at South Bay Wellness Center treats several spinal conditions, including pinched nerves.

Patient receiving spinal decompression therapy as part of her neuropathy treatment protocol

Benefits Of Spinal Decompression

The most significant advantage of spinal decompression is that it does not involve surgery. You can heal your pain without any blood loss, scarring, infection, or pain injection. There is also no need to take time off work or endure long hours of physical therapy. Spinal decompression is an excellent solution for those suffering from back or neck pain caused by:

  • Bulging discs
  • Herniated discs
  • Sciatica
  • Pinched nerves

How Spinal Decompression Works

This FDA-approved technology relieves pain by expanding the space between the discs. During the procedure, patients don’t experience any discomfort and will feel their spine gently stretching. This movement causes a vacuum effect within the disc, drawing back displaced disc material to help relieve pressure on nerves and replenish the spine with essential nutrients, fluids, and oxygen to help heal the damaged disc.

So, if you suffer from chronic back or neck pain, then spinal decompression at South Bay Wellness Center may be the best treatment for you. Give our San Jose office a call today to schedule a consultation.

Patient consultation with doctor
At South Bay Wellness Center, we provide innovative therapies to help patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy and associated pain find relief. Call now to get started with your customized treatment plan!

What Our Patients Are Saying

Listen to our patients share their experiences and find out why we are the top-rated neuropathy relief center in the San Jose area.

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